Career Pathway Training
New Orleans Career Center (NOCC)
- Transportation Included
- Free
- For Teachers and Families
- careers
1331 Kerlerec St, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70116
Learn from skilled professionals, get hands-on training, and earn industry-based credentials spanning five industries:
Building Trades: Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Welding
Culinary Arts & Hospitality: Lodging Management, Food Science, Tourism Marketing
Digital Media: Graphic Design, Video Production
Engineering: 3D Modeling, Design
Healthcare: Medical Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, Pharmacy Technician
The New Orleans Career Center (NOCC) is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. At NOCC, high school and adult trainees gain career preparation and technical skills training to earn industry-based credentials (IBCs) for employment in high-wage, high-demand industry sectors. NOCC graduates have the skills, the knowledge, and the networks to compete and add value to careers and classrooms the moment they walk through the door.
Jan. 14, 2025, 3:41 p.m. -
Jan. 14, 2025, 3:47 p.m.